How to maintain discipline in the classroom?
The classroom is surely a fun place where you learn and hang out with your friends, eat and talk with them, play games and do much more. But we need to understand the importance of that place and respect it because it has given us everything from education, fun, memories, and friends. And like every other thing it should have a certain discipline and order so that children can learn the lessons of life and the teachings to live. Children are surely a bit difficult to handle, even parents having two or fewer children get annoyed sometimes. So just think about the teacher, his responsibility to handle 30 or 40 students with vivid behavior. Some are sincere, and some are naughty, some are rude while some are dreamy. It makes it struggling to cope up with them and to teach them everything. So, to make it easier, there should be discipline in the class. A disciplined environment can surely help the children to improve their learning, focusing on the topic and makes them sharp and fa...