5 Tips on How to Teach Reading

 Learning to read isn't a simple task, and neither is teaching someone how to read. One in all the most vital things a teacher has to remember when learning how to teach reading is to keep it easy. To increase the chance that all of your students learn to read, there are five essential literacy skills you need to show them. Many boarding schools in Dehradun use these tips in order to help their kids learn reading better.

1. Teach the Alphabetic Principle

The alphabetic principle means the understanding that letters represent the sounds of our language. Kids ought to have the ability to relate a sound with a letter and so use the sounds to develop words. Within the English language, the letters of the alphabet are used alone to represent sounds, which is observed as the basic code; or in teams of 2, 3, and 4, that is considered the advanced code.

Because our written language has advanced code, teaching a toddler to read is more difficult. The advanced code letters will have quite one sound, and sounds will be described by more than one letter. This advanced code is making reading fluently and spelling accurately tougher. However, once the code is educated properly, many literacy difficulties are eliminated.

Teaching Students to decode

To help your kids decode the alphabet, they have to be told how to sound words out. Once a student learns the sound every letter makes, he or she will be able to begin putting words together. Please encourage your students to mention every sound individually after they are reading a short word. The more your students decode a selected word, the more fluent they'll become at identifying that specific word.


As your students are decoding a word, think about having them point to each letter using a finger puppet or magic wand.

2. Teach phonemic awareness

The ability of a student to listen to and use the individual sounds of a word is a component of phonemic and phonological awareness. The smallest sounds in the English language are the Phonemes.

There is a strong association between phonemic awareness and reading proficiency. Whereas phonics is a vital part of orthography and reading, it shouldn't be the main focus. A student has to learn the way to spell and sound out diagraphs and learn the various rules that our language follows.


Students will increase their phonemic awareness by learning word families, which are teams of words that rhyme. Once your kid learns one word from the family, he or she will be able to learn the others. For example, the word family relating to a cat would be hat, mat, and bat. Use these word families to help your kid in seeing patterns in reading.

3. Teach Reading Fluency

"Reading fluency" refers to the skill to read text quickly, accurately, and with correct expression. A fluent reader demonstrates an automatic and easy ability to read words in the text that's connected. Once a student reads like they were speaking, they read fluently. Many girls boarding schools in Dehradun conduct special reading aloud classes in order to facilitate better reading skills.


No matter what grade level you are teaching, have your students browse aloud to assist them in becoming fluent readers.

4. Teach Sight Words/High-Frequency Words

Sight words are the most common words we use in our written language. Many times, these words are troublesome to decode as a result of they don't follow the typical phonics rules. These words got to be memorized. Lists of sight words that will be helpful to your students are the Fry List and Dolch List.


You can use fun games like Sight Word lotto to assist your students in memorizing sight words.

5. Teach Reading Comprehension

Successful readers will extract helpful info from the text they read. Traditional comprehension activities are essential once teaching your students a way to read. You'll be able to evaluate reading comprehension using class discussions, book reports, worksheets, and even in-class skits supported reading material. However, your students' comprehension skills won't improve unless they're reading fluently, therefore ensure that you don't spend all of your time teaching comprehension.


No matter that grade level you teach, have various reading materials from different genres obtainable to offer your students a large range of topics. Students comprehend more once reading material that's relevant to their lives.


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