What are your thoughts on the few co-ed schools in India which don't allow boys and girls to interact with each other?

I think these people need to take their heads out of wherever they have put them and look at the world around them. This is an obsolete and regressive practice, students should be able to express how they feel and interact with each other.

Such a practice has serious ramifications; I have had so many friends in college who attended schools who restricted conversations between boys and girls, these friends had serious issues in talking to boys in the college. It took them a lot of time to grow out of this. This could have seriously harmed them in their occupation. 

Such schools also ingrain misconceptions about the other gender in students which are carried forward. Co-ed schools in India have developed after looking at the problems that single-gendered schools were leading. In co-ed schools both boys and girls share classes and take part in school activities side by side. They may even discover they're more alike than they thought. 

It's proven that a co-ed education offers many advantages. Because they interact with the opposite sex on so many levels including: team sports, studying, clubs, and even dating – Co-ed students are better able to communicate and understand each other and such co-ed schools, that restrict girls and boys from interacting, are not letting students get the best of their time in school.

Boys and girls perform better in mixed-gender environments, which put them on equal ground for competition. Plus, mixed-gender schools teach boys and girls valuable social skills needed to live, work and play in a diverse world.

When a child learns a social skill in co-ed school it is said to be multi-dimensional. If students are not allowed to interact with each other then such a skill would be unidimensional. Interacting with the opposite gender gives an opportunity to become more aware of your surroundings, and learn about people who are different from you—which is an extremely valuable skill that employers seek. If no comparison is made between boys and girls, it allows each person to be an individual and not see the school as "mechanised" or "differently" based on gender.

Everyone is either raised properly regardless of whether they are males, females, bi-sexuals or homosexuals. The additional benefit to letting students interact freely  is that everyone treats each other equally as through practical experience they rid themselves of stereotypes that are ingrained in them about each other. This is an important lesson of life which people don’t learn throughout their lives and hence it is important in all aspects of life.

These schools believe that relationships may cause distraction from academics. What these schools actually need to do is provide councillors who provide relationship advice to students so that they can save themselves from toxic relationship and even ask for help is one of the partner starts to get aggressive.


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